jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021



¿Qué mejor paraje para participar en un curso Erasmus dirigido al profesorado que una de las principales cunas de nuestra cultura?

Roma, ciudad amable que transporta a otras épocas, que deslumbra con sus incontables muestras de belleza, que enamora con su personalidad única, que sosiega con el dulce canto del agua derramada en hermosas fuentes…

Ni la lluvia pertinaz ni el intenso frío, consiguieron perturbar la dicha de recrearnos en sus plazas, sus foros, sus jardines sus peculiares calles, sus fachadas.


En este escenario privilegiado hemos compartido con profesionales de otras regiones y países, experiencias y herramientas de trabajo motivadoras, degustado rincones y callejuelas, saboreado la pasta italiana, paladeado la magia y el encanto que impregna la ciudad.


El conocimiento y manejo de  TICs  como herramientas de apoyo para fomentar el Aprendizaje Cooperativo y el Aula Invertida, así como para incrementar la motivación del alumnado, han sido los contenidos abordados durante esta semana en la Ciudad  Eterna.


Abandonamos Roma con pesar pero también con nuevas ilusiones, con atractivos materiales de trabajo, con nuevas amistades, con la satisfacción que deriva de tantos estallidos de placer y serenidad que, inevitablemente, se experimentan cuando alguien se pierde en el rico entramado de puentes, obeliscos, palacios, mercados, iglesias, recovecos… que conforman la hermosa Roma.

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2021




Primera actividad organizada por el Departamento de Educación Física en torno al deporte adaptado y el Día Internacional de la Discapacidad, con la Asociación PALAS PARA TODOS, en la cual hemos compartido una clase de pádel dónde los alumnos de la optativa Actividad Física y Salud, han colaborado con los miembros de la asociación, pasando un rato divertido, pero sobre todo, han aprendido que la ilusión y el esfuerzo supera cualquier limitación.

Actividad dentro del Proyecto KA101 "Nuevas metodologías para la inclusión"


Hemos disfrutado mucho de vuestra compañía, esperamos realizar muchas más actividades con vosotros. 


Gracias por vuestro cariño en las redes.


jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2021



Estupendo trabajo realizado por los alumnos del IES Belén con nuestra compañera Carmen Lucena Villa, en la asignatura de Valores Éticos y Ciudadanía, en relación con la celebración del Día Internacional de la eliminación de la violencia contra la mujer, con el fin de  concienciar a nuestro alumnado para no tolerar ni asumir como algo normal la violencia de género.

Entre todos ellos han elaborado un mural que luce en la entrada de nuestro instituto con el eslogan.

 "Que las nuevas pandemias no oculten las viejas pandemias"


No sólo lo han trabajado en clase, sino que han querido aún más darle más visibilidad y hacerlo llegar a toda la comunidad educativa. Para ello, han elaborado una serie de impactantes fotografías que han sido expuestas en nuestro centro y que han presentado al concurso stop violencia de género.


Pero la lección más importante es:


sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2021




6th of November

Este es el último día de actividades con todos los centros juntos y lo dedicamos a visitar el centro de Málaga. Realizamos un tour donde pasaremos por los puntos más emblemáticos de nuestra ciudad, comenzando por el SOHO y finalizando en la plaza de la Merced. Durante las paradas, el alumnado de nuestro centro da información relevante de dichos sitios, que se han preparado para actuar como perfectos guías de su ciudad.

This is the last day of activities with all the participants together and we dedicate it to visiting the center of Malaga. We make a tour where we will pass through the most emblematic points of our city, starting in the SOHO and ending in the Plaza de la Merced. During the stops, the students of our school give relevant information about these sites, who have prepared to act as perfect guides of their city.


Zahira da la siguiente información en inglés sobre el SOHO:

Zahira informs about SOHO:

The interesting thing about Soho Málaga is that its reputation as a street art district is the result of a public initiative, the MAUS project (Málaga Arte Urbano Soho). The aim of the project is to rejuvenate previously battered and abandoned areas. Numerous art events, exhibitions and concerts have begun to give Soho a new life. Now you can admire the works of artists such as Obey, Sal East, ROA or D'Face on the walls of the building. They are turning this neighborhood into a living art gallery.

Another highlight of Soho Málaga is the Soho CaixaBank Theatre. Formerly known as Teatro Alameda,
it recently opened after a facelift in November 2019. Now he has released a new musical "Chorus
Line", starring Antonio Banderas, an authentic Malaga and one of the most famous characters in
Malaga. On the first Saturday of each month, you can visit the Soho Market, which is full of
handicrafts, antiques, and many independent brand stalls.

- Atarazanas

Elena da la siguiente información en inglés sobre el mercado de Atarazanas:

Elena informs about SOHO:

It is a street where the central market of Atarazanas is locates, in the historic center of Malaga.
It was built between 1876 and 1879, although the building is Muslim origin. It is one of the buildings which best represent the architecture of the nineteenth century in Malaga.
Nowadays, it works as a traditional market with three sectors, one for fish, one for meat and one for fruit and vegetables, but it is also a very typical place to eat.
This market has an interesting history:
The building dates to the Muslim period and was used as a shipyard (an enclosed area of land where ships are built and repaired). When you visit the market, you will be confused that the building was a shipyard because the sea is not near here, but Malaga gained ground to the sea during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as the center town became too small and the city expanded.
At the end of the 19th century, it was decided to build a central market in this abandoned building.
At that period, there were many markets in the city, but being in the open air, they had quite bad hygienic conditions, so this covered market was built to preserve the food better.
In 2008 a renovation was carried out that lasted until 2010 as the building was obsolete and in poor condition. A translucent roof was placed to allow better lightning of the market and stained-glass windows with traditional details of the city was placed.
Every day the people of Malaga come to buy fresh goods. Many of visitors come for taste the tapas and fresh “pescaito” (typical small fried fish) in the bars in the market or just to stroll through this building which has been able to preserve its traditional essence. Furthermore, at the main entrance of the market, there are several stalls that have a terrace.
The stained glass is so beautiful and impressive.

- Calle LARIOS/Larios Street

Carlos habla sobre la calle Larios

Carlos talks about Larios Street

Larios street is one of the most famous streets in Malaga. It was inaugurated in 1891, the 27th of August, by Manuel Domingo Larios, one of the greatest promoters of the textile industry in the nineteenth century. At the beginning of the street, you can see a statue of him, which is amazing. During the second republic in 1931, the street was called April 14th Street, and the statue of Manuel Larios was thrown into the sea by the republicans to be replaced by a statue of a worker. Years later, with Franco’s victory in the civil war, the Larios' statue was rescued from the sea and they were able to put it back in place. Therefore, today, we can call it Calle Larios again.

- Plaza de la Constitución/Constitution Square

- Iglesia de los Santos Mártires

Marcos habla sobre la iglesia de los patronos de Málaga

Marcos talks about the Holy Martyrs church.

The Church of the Holy Martyrs is a Christian temple located in the city of Malaga, Spain.
It is one of the four churches built by the Catholic Monarchs. It was erected in honor of the martyrs Ciriaco and Paula, patrons of the city. The church has undergone various reforms

- Catedral/Cathedral

Nicollette explica la catedral de Málaga

Nicollette explains the Malaga cathedral

The Cathedral Church of the Incarnation of Malaga begins to be built in 1528. It seems that the famous architect, coming from Toledo already issues a first report in 1528 on its traces, three years after the cabildo decided to erect a new temple, being the same Pedro López, the one in charge of directing the works of the header, designed by one of the great masters of the time,  Diego of Siloé.
in 1549 great exponents both of Renaissance architecture in Andalusia; and then to Diego de Vergara, who worked in this cathedral until almost the end of the sixteenth century.Thus, by this time the head and the sacristy were already standing, and it can be said that until then all the great masters of the Andalusian Renaissance had intervened in the great project to a greater or lesser degree.
Here it is usually called the little spot, does anyone know why?

- Edificio de la aduana

Carlos comenta sobre este singular edificio de Málaga

Carlos comments on this unique building in Malaga

The customs building was created in 1788 to regulate the intense traffic of the port when the trade with America was released. In 1810, the building works were suspended for the spanish war of independence, it was resumed in 1826 and it was inaugurated in 1829 as a Tobacco factory. In 1939, it became the Treasury. Furthermore,the 26th of april of 1922, there was a fire and 28 people who lived here, died. In 2006, the government decided to move the Malaga's museum to this place. Now, it has a huge collections of Malacitan's arts.

- Teatro romano y Alcazaba/Roman Theater and Alcazaba 

Elena informa sobre la Alcazaba

Elena informs about the Alcazaba

It is from Roman times and the mountain that can be seen behind is Mount Gibralfaro. was built between the years 1057 and 1063
has pieces from the roman theater like columns.
The Alcazaba combines both the defense needs and the beauty of an Arab palace.
Around it there was a neighborhood that today is totally disappeared. It had several reconstructions until the 20th century and today it has important archaeological remains to visit.
Its military influence makes it one of the most important Muslim works preserved in Spain.

Sara habla sobre el teatro romano

Sara talks about the Roman theater

The Roman theater of Malaga are the archaeological remains of the theater of ancient Malacca and the main preserved vestige of the Roman presence in Malaga. It is in the historic center of the city, at the foot of the Alcazaba hill. Made in the early years of the Empire, The Theater was discovered in 1951 when a play was made. It is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, and the site in question whose route is possible through wooden walkways.

Carlos explica el "garum" producido en Málaga

Carlos explains the "garum" produced in Malaga

The Roman theater are the archaeological remains of the presence of the Romans in Málaga, dated from the 6th and 7th centuries BC. As you can observe, It consist of some scenes like stands where people sat to see the show. From here, we can see a factory, where they prepared the 'garum', which is like a fish sauce made of visceras and It was used as a side plate for a large number of meals. From the 3rd century, it ceased  to be a garum factory and became a necropolis, in the 5th century it became again a garum factory until the 7th century with the Muslim conquest.

- Ayuntamiento/City Hall

Nerea habla sobre el ayuntamiento de Málaga

Nerea talks about the city hall

Malaga City Hall is the institution that governs the city and of Malaga. It is one of the four public administrations with political responsibility in the city, together with the General State Administration, the Junta of Andalucía and the Provincial Council of Malaga.
Since 1979, its political leaders have been chosen by the citizens of Malaga with the right to vote, in elections held every four years.
At present, its mayor is Francisco de la Torre Prados.

- Parque de Málaga/Malaga Central Park

Nerea explica también el parque de Málaga

Nerea explains the central park, too

This park is known by various names, such as Park of the Alameda, Parque of Málaga or Park walk and is located in the heart of the capital.
It’s a place to walk with gardens on both sides, a Mediterranean design for a garden that has many species of flora and that make it one of the most important gardens in Europe. 
Later we will see 3 statues of this park more carefully.

- Muelle uno - la farola / Pier one - the lighthouse

Sara da información sobre el muelle uno

Sara gives some information about pier one

The pier one this space was opened in 2011, dedicated to leisure and culture, which is an emblem for the city of Malaga. It has the best views to discover and enjoy the capital. It is a commercial area located in the port of Malaga, a few meters from the city center and facing the sea. An open space that has a wide range of shopping and restaurants designed to surprise.

Concerts, cultural events, children's activities, or summer cinema are also held. One of the great attractions of the center is the "Centre Pompidou".

Nicollette habla sobre la farola

Nicollette talks about the lighthouse

It is located in the port of Malaga, it is one of the most important icons of the Costa del Sol, it is the only lighthouse with a female name and it is built with stones from the mount of Gibralfaro, it is one of the few monuments that has survived wars, earthquakes , shipwrecks
 What is the function of the lighthouse?
Its function is to shine a light so that the ships can locate the port at night, but each lighthouse is unique, they all have their own flash and their own rhythm and are
the last lighthouse keeper was in 1993, they are no longer needed because all mechanized.

- Gibralfaro

Zahira explica el castillo de Gibralfaro

Zahira explains about the castle of Gibralfaro:

This castle was built to house the army and protect the Alcazaba, although it was used by Phoenicians
and Romans, it is one of the most popular moments in Malaga, you can walk along the city walls or
enter the interpretive center to learn about its history. Its name comes from a lighthouse at the top.
Ferdinand the Catholic castle was named part of the coat of arms of the city. It has two rows of walls
and eight towers. The outer wall connects the castle with the Alcazaba. The castle can be divided into
two parts. In the upper one is the mayor's tower, the Phoenician wells and the baths. The lower part
are the barracks and stables of the troop. The White Tower is one of the most visible towers, inside
there is a warehouse, dependencies and warehouses.

- Plaza de la Merced - Estatua de Picasso / Merced Square - Picasso statue

Y desde esta maravillosa plaza que vio nacer a nuestro ilustre paisano Pablo Picasso finalizamos esta ruta por la ciudad y también, esta semana intensa donde hemos podido conocer más detenidamente Málaga en todos sus aspectos (gastronomía, cultura, sociedad, etc.) como es condición sine qua non de la filosofía "Slow Tourism". Desde aquí, deseamos que todos los y las participantes de este proyecto hayan disfrutado de cada uno de los días de esta semana y que se lleven un grato recuerdo de nuestra ciudad. Ya tenemos la vista puesta en otra grandísima ciudad como es Biella donde seguiremos desarrollando la filosofía de "Slow Tourism".

And from this wonderful square that saw the birth of our illustrious countryman Pablo Picasso we finish this route through the city and also, this intense week where we have been able to know more closely Malaga in all its aspects (gastronomy, culture, society, etc.) as it is a sine qua non condition of the "Slow Tourism" philosophy. From here, we wish that all the participants of this project have enjoyed each of the days of this week and that they take a pleasant memory of our city. We already have our sights set on another great city such as Biella where we will continue to develop the philosophy of "Slow Tourism".

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021




5th of November

El día de hoy comienza con una visita al Jardín Botánico Histórico de la Finca de la Concepción. A través de una guía vamos visitando los puntos más interesantes y bonitos de esta finca famosa tanto por su historia como por la diversidad de árboles y plantas que hay.

Today we start our adventure with a visit to the Historic Botanical Garden of the Finca de la Concepción. Through a guide we visit the most interesting and beautiful points of this Historical Garden famous both for its history and for the diversity of trees and plants that exist.

Tras esta interesante visita fuimos a una venta cercana llamada "Los del tunel" a comer un delicioso arroz caldoso. 

After this interesting visit we went to a nearby typical restaurant (here we named this kind of restaurants "ventas") called "Los del tunel" to eat a delicious "soupy rice".

Y para finalizar este ajetreado día, hicimos una visita fugaz a la desembocadura del río Guadalhorce, donde pudimos cruzar el puente de madera peatonal más largo de Europa.

And to end this busy day, we made a fleeting visit to the mouth of the Guadalhorce River, where we were able to cross the longest pedestrian wooden bridge in Europe.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2021



 4th of November

Nos reunimos de nuevo en el instituto para comenzar un nuevo día lleno de lugares que conocer y actividades que realizar. Hoy nuestro destino es El Palo.

We meet again at the secondary school to start a new day full of places to visit and activities to do. Today our destination is El Palo.


Comenzamos como siempre con la intendencia: bocadillos, agua y fruta para todos los participantes. Después cogemos el autobús para llegar hasta El Palo. Aprovechamos el trayecto para charlar entre nosotros y con el resto de usuarios del transporte.

We start as always with the logistics: sandwiches, water and fruit for all participants. Then we take the bus to get to El Palo. We use the journey to chat with each other and with the rest of the transport users.


Una vez llegamos a El Palo, nos separamos en dos grupos, ya que hoy están previstas dos rutas alternativas: una por el paseo marítimo hasta Los yacimientos Arqueológicos de la Araña y otra una subida al monte San Antón. A medio día nos reuniremos todos para comer y para hacer posteriormente una actividad en la que tendremos oportunidad de conocer la historia y usos de las jábegas, barcas tradicionales que se usan en Málaga, de origen fenicio,  a cargo de los miembros del Club de Remo tradicional La Espaílla.

Once we get to El Palo, we separate into two groups, since today two alternative routes are planned: one along the promenade to La Araña Archaeological sites and the other an ascent to Mount San Antón. At noon we will all meet for a snack and to later do an activity in which we will have the opportunity to learn about the history and uses of "jábegas", traditional fishing boats used in Malaga, of Phoenician origin, in charge of the members of the traditional La Espaílla Rowing Club .


La subida al monte San Antón, con una distancia de 10,97 Km y 525 metros de desnivel, parte desde la misma playa, para regresar a ella tras el ascenso y descenso circular disfrutando las maravillosas vistas que podemos obtener desde su cima. El tiempo nos acompaña, es un día soleado, pero sin excesivo calor. 

The ascent to Mount San Antón, with a distance of 10.97 km and 525 meters of slope, starts from the beach itself, to return to it after the circular ascent and descent enjoying the wonderful views that we can obtain from its top. The weather is with us, it is a sunny day, but not excessively hoy.


Antes de comenzar a subir, vemos el lugar donde en Navidades se pone el famoso belén del barrio de la mosca. Una vez llegamos a la cumbre,  nos quedamos maravillados de lo que vemos: toda la ciudad de Málaga, toda la costa de El Palo  hasta la Araña y hacia el interior diferentes montañas como la Maroma (considerada la montaña más alta de la provincia de Málaga con 2066 metros),  la Sierra de Mijas y la Sierra de las Nieves, recién declarada Parque Nacional. 

Before starting the climb, we see the place where the famous nativity scene in La Mosca (The Fly) neighborhood is placed at Christmas. Once we reach the summit, we are amazed at what we see: the entire city of Malaga, the entire coast from El Palo to La Araña and inland different mountains such as La Maroma (considered the highest mountain in Malaga province with 2066 meters), the Sierra de Mijas and the Sierra de las Nieves, recently declared a National Park.


Al descender para reunirnos de nuevo con los compañeros que han hecho la otra ruta, admiramos las lujosas mansiones que se levantan el la zona conocida como los Pinares de San Antón.

When descending to meet again with the project mates who did the other route, we admire the luxurious mansions that rise in the area known as Pinares de San Antón.


Al llegar de nuevo a la playa, aprovechamos para comer todos juntos y compartir las experiencias de las distintas rutas. Los compañeros de la ruta por el paseo marítimo también vienen encantados. 

When we get back to the beach, we take the opportunity to eat together and share the experiences of the different routes. The students of the route along the seafront are also delighted.


Aprovechamos para probar varios platos típicos de la zona como el cazón en adobo, la rosada a la plancha y los boquerones al limón y también unos espetos de sardinas, a pesar de no ser la época...

We take the opportunity to try different typical dishes of the area such as marinated dogfish, grilled pink fish and anchovies with lemon and also some sardine skewers, despite not being the season ...

Por la tarde, nos acercamos con los responsables del Club Deportivo de Remo tradicional La Espaílla. Amablemente nos reciben sus miembros y nos dan la bienvenida. Felipe, profesor catedrático de la Universidad de Málaga y miembro del Club nos explica en inglés el origen de estos barcos, su uso en la antiguedad y en la actualidad y las diferentes partes de la jábega, así como los nombres que reciben cada uno de los tripulantes.

In the afternoon, we meet the people in charge of the traditional La Espaílla Rowing Sports Club . Its members kindly receive and welcome us. Felipe, a professor at Malaga University and a club member, explains in English the origin of these boats, their use in ancient times and today and the different parts of the "jábega", as well as the names that each of the crew members recieve.

Tras la charla, nos ofrece la oportunidad de remar con ellos. Lo primero es llevar las jábegas hasta al agua por el método tradicional. Todos a una tenemos que ir empujando la barca sobre unos tablones untados en aceite para que deslicen. Una experiencia fantástica de trabajo en equipo y sincronización.  

After the speech, he gives us the opportunity to row with them. The first thing is to take the "jábegas" to the water by the traditional method. All of us have to push the boat on some boards greased with oil so that they slide. A fantastic teamwork and synchronization experience.


Una vez en el agua, recibimos unas nociones básicas de remo y con más ilusión que coordinación, logramos avanzar hacia los Baños del Carmen acompañados de unas vistas fantásticas con la puesta de sol en el horizonte. Todos aquellos que participamos quedamos encantados.

Once in the water, we receive some basic notions of rowing and with more enthusiasm than coordination, we manage to advance towards the Baños del Carmen accompanied by fantastic views with the sunset on the horizon. All of us who participate are delighted.

De vuelta al instituto, nos despedimos hasta el siguiente día, cansados pero felices por haber pasado un gran día.

Back in high school, we said goodbye until the next day, tired but happy to have had a great day.🚍